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Adco-Acyclovir Topical Cream

Adco-Acyclovir Topical CreamIndications:
Treatment of Herpes simplex type 1 and 2 infections, in the initial and recurring phaseShort description:
Effective treatment for cold soresPack sizes and variants
2 gWhere available
Available in Pharmacies
Adco-Acyclovir Topical Cream approved package insert, October 1997.
S1 Adco-Acyclovir Topical Cream. Each 1 g contains aciclovir 0,05 g. Reg. No. 28/20.2.8/0369
For full prescribing information refer to the package insert approved by the medicines regulatory authority. ZA.15.PDE.119 07/2015
Adcock Ingram Limited. Reg. No. 1949/034385/06. Private Bag X69, Bryanston, 2021, South Africa. Tel. +27 11 635 0000